The Best Things Come Unexpected

Vonnie's Story

The one thing Vonnie would like her son to know someday – “You came unexpected but the best things come unexpected.”

“Two years ago, I remember taking a pregnancy test in my bathroom. I didn’t care about my future – I was just living in the moment. Going out and partying and relying really heavily on being a socialite with alcohol. When I found out I was pregnant, my crisis state went way up because I did not know how to care for a child. None of my friends were pregnant, no one could relate to me. The dad was no involved. 110%I I was alone. I was in a dark place. I truly prayed like it was oxygen for somebody to talk to and I knew God would listen.

“So I went to the closest express care clinic. The lady came in and said, ‘Yes, honey you are pregnant.’ And I remember just sobbing. This is when I knew God was with me. She looked at me in the eyes and asked if she could pray with me. And then she said, ‘I know a really good place called the Pregnancy Center.” And it all started there.

“The people there at the Pregnancy Center are amazing. They gave me next steps on where to go. And they made me feel comfortable and at home – and I needed that at the time because I was really in a crisis place. I was lost. I was a 21 year old that didn’t know what to do.

“I think everybody contemplates abortion or other options. I got my first ultrasound and it was real. So after that moment, I knew it was my job to protect this baby, that this baby depended on me. But it was very very hard.

“The Pregnancy Center kept up with me to see how I was doing. Because I think a mother in crisis, that feels so alone, just wants to hear, ‘How are you doing?’ I want other women to know, you are not alone.

“If I could just go back, I’d tell my pregnant self, ‘You’ll get through it. It gets easier. It gets better.’ And now my son is two, and he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“I got my first ultrasound and it was real. After that moment, I KNEW IT WAS MY JOB TO PROTECT THIS BABY. This baby depended on me”.

Vonnie wasn’t familiar with the Pregnancy Center, but found exactly what she needed – people who made her feel comfortable, at home and most of all, not alone. Our FREE services allowed Vonnie to see her baby right away, giving her strength as she chose life. We continued to provide support through her pregnancy.

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